Breach and clear deadline enemies in cover
Breach and clear deadline enemies in cover

breach and clear deadline enemies in cover

21 with a reported 83 percent valid rate. The first two batches of Eagle Claw-branded cards - a chunk of 2 million cards - were released on Jan. 29, Rescator debuted 4 million cards bearing the Eagle Claw name and a 70 percent valid rate. 6 - included nearly 4 million cards stolen from Target and carried a 65 percent valid rate. Prior to Beaver Cage, the Target cards were code-named “ Eagle Claw.” On Jan. The most previous batch of Beaver Cage cards - pushed out by Rescator on Feb. This latest batch of Beaver Cage cards, however, carries only a 60 percent valid rate, meaning that on average customers can expect at least 4 out of every 10 cards they buy to come back declined or canceled by the issuing bank.

breach and clear deadline enemies in cover

Cards in the Tortuga base were advertised as “100 percent valid,” meaning that customers who bought ten cards from the store could expect all 10 to work when they went to use them at retailers to purchase high-priced electronics, gift cards and other items that can be quickly resold for cash. The core reason for the price drop appears to be the falling “valid rate” associated with each batch. The oldest batches of cards stolen in the Target breach –i.e., the first batches of stolen cards sold –are at the top of legend in the graphic above the “newer,” albeit less fresh, batches are at the bottom. Today, those same cards are now retailing for prices ranging from $8 to $28. 19 - the day that Target acknowledged a breach. The Beaver Cage batch of cards have fallen in price by as much as 70 percent compared to those in “ Tortuga,” a huge chunk of several million cards stolen from Target that sold for between $26.60 and $44.80 apiece in the days leading up to Dec. This chunk of cards, dubbed “ Beaver Cage” by Rescator, was the latest of dozens of batches of cards stolen from Target that have gone on sale at the shop since early December. The Canadian government continues to keep a close eye on the unit, where almost no public media or recognition exists.Cards stolen in the Target breach have become much cheaper as more of them come back declined or cancelled by issuing banks.Įarlier today, the underground card shop Rescatorso moved at least 2.8 million cards stolen from U.S.-based shoppers during the Target breach. Primarily tasked with counter-terrorist operations, members of this incredibly secretive group work side by side with American and other NATO forces, particularly ‘Delta’ and DEVGRU in Afghanistan as early as 2002. Joint Task Force 2, created in 1993, is perhaps Canada’s most well known special operations force. Special Forces teams have been instrumental in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, where they have performed a variety of missions ranging from advising to daring raids against hardened targets. Green Berets are the leaders of creating unconventional warfare, with a prerogative of training and working with other military or resistance elements. Referred to as The Green Berets, Army Special Forces are perhaps the most well known special operations group in the world.

breach and clear deadline enemies in cover

SEALs were also among the first units into Afghanistan, where they continue to operate as the Navy’s premier special operations force. Today, SEALs perform a wide swath of missions after gaining notoriety for actions in Vietnam and the First Iraq War. With roots dating after World War II in the Underwater Demolitions Teams as well as the Scouts and Raiders, the SEALs were officially stood up in 1961 at the behest of Admiral Arleigh Burke. Officially under United States Special Operations Command, all three Ranger Battalions have been an integral part of missions within Iraq and Afghanistan. Today, The Rangers are hailed as the world’s premier light infantry unit, responsible for some of the most daring raids in military history. Today, the 75th Ranger Regiment stands as part of one of the most proficient light infantry units in the world, recognized as part of the Special Operations community. Stood up in 1974, the Rangers have a long standing history dating back to 1676 during King Philip’s War.


Breach & Clear will offer a staggering amount of units, focusing on some of the most well known and even least known groups from around the world! Train and equip your teams from various nationalities! With each update to the game, we’ll offer new units, new gear and new maps.

Breach and clear deadline enemies in cover